Trial run

Monday, January 3, 2011

(I googled "runner's high" and found this... I could not resist posting it because a. the photo and b. the spelling are hilarious)

I went on my first run of 2011 this afternoon right after work. I am, once again, using Hal Higdon's half marathon training schedule, since it worked really well for me last year. There are actually eleven weeks until the 2011 Publix Georgia half, but since the first two weeks of the schedule are identical, I'm just omitting week 1.

If you notice, Mondays are actually supposed to be "stretch and strengthen" days, but I was anxious to get outside and just run. I am admittedly lacking in knowledge and resources for weight training, but it's one of my goals to become better informed over the next few weeks. 

Anyway, I chose a short route just to re-acclimate my body to the feeling of running outside. I am somewhat of a treadmill junkie, and although I did a lot of my training last year indoors, I'm challenging myself to move the majority of it to the pavement this time. I mean, have you seen the elevation profile for this race?

I'm lucky to live in an area with a lot of great sidewalks and hills for running. Today I ran a little loop near some office parks and restaurants. When I got home, I mapped it -- even though I've run it before, I never knew the exact distance -- and it came out to 1.5 miles, so I plan on using this as an option for 3 or 6 mile runs in the future.

The weather was close to perfect, about 45 degrees and sunny. I happened to round a corner and run into the sunlight right as the song on my iPod hit a crescendo, and I could not have felt happier at that moment to be outside, breathing fresh air and doing something good for myself. So, as "trial runs" go, this was a great way for me to kick off training and motivate me to get back out there again tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Come to my class Saturday, I can better inform you on weight training! :)

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